Line up for the Q!

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The world of tech has evolved in leaps and bounds. We know it, you know it, and the person who went from using payphones to taking selfies with a smartphone knows it too.

So do those who had a video club membership and now binge Netflix, booksellers who read eBooks, and travel agents who look suspiciously at Airbnb.

I think you know where we’re going… 

The tech industry requires us all to keep up to date, or at least aware of the challenges we might face as it changes. We’re not fortune tellers, but we do like to look into the future in unusual ways to stay agile, especially when it comes to software quality.

QA is a constantly evolving space, so how do we stay on top of its developments to make sure we’re doing outstanding work in a smarter way – without compromising our wellbeing?

Find out at our latest event:

Line up for the Q! - The state-of-the-art quality role: the inevitable evolution

Join us for an afternoon of innovation as we explore how the landscape of quality has evolved, and discuss how we can look into the future of QA to solve our daily challenges.

You’ll also have the chance to take part in contests to win prizes and, of course, celebrate a great session with some cold beers and tapas!

This event is for you if:

  • you have ever felt like a bottleneck.
  • you use regression tests as if you lived in 2010.
  • your list of pending errors amounts to 3 years’ worth of work.
  • you’ve repeated the same test so many times you don’t know if you’re a robot or a human.
  • you’d like to have spare time to automate all your pending tests.
  • you play tennis games with the devs, where the tickets are the ball.

But regardless of the type of role you’re doing now, why not stay curious and join us for an insight into the future of QA?

When and where?

Thursday Feb 24, 2022 at 18:45 – Le Grand Café (Málaga city centre)

How do I sign up?

Join the guestlist at the link below, it won’t take more than 1 minute!

We look forward to seeing you there!

The Workshop Team

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